Lowongan Head of Government Relations – FMCG Indonesia Pada Perusahaan Page Executive di Jakarta Metropolitan Area

Published 10 months ago

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Pilih Bahasa

Perusahaan Page Executive membuka lapangan pekerjaan untuk posisi Head of Government Relations - FMCG Indonesia di wilayah Jakarta Metropolitan Area. Jenis pekerjaan yang kami berikan adalah Full-time.

Kriteria pekerja yang kami butuhkan adalah mempunyai kemampuan Other dengan pengalaman Director, serta pekerja yang jujur, disiplin, dan bertanggung jawab.

Estimasi gaji yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan ini cukup kompetitif sekitar Rp 2.000.000 - Rp 5.000.000 (per Bulan). Namun gaji tersebut dapat naik atau turun tergantung dari perusahaan yang memutuskannya.

Perusahaan Page Executive sendiri bergerak dibidang Food and Beverage Services, Manufacturing, & Retail yang tentu saja jika anda tertarik dengan lamaran perusahan ini dapat langsung mendaftar.

Informasi Lowongan

Perusahaan:Page Executive
Posisi:Head of Government Relations - FMCG Indonesia
Wilayah:Jakarta Metropolitan Area
Fungsi Pekerjaan:Other
Tingkat Pekerjaan:Director
Gaji:IDR 2.000.000 - IDR 5.000.000 per Bulan
Jenis Pekerjaan:Full-time
Industri:Accounting, Banking, Financial Services

Deskripsi Lowongan

  • Influence on FMCG Regulatory Landscape|Navigating Complex Regulatory Challenges

About Our Client

Our client is a publicly listed company in Indonesia operating in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector, specifically within the food and beverage industry. As a market leader, the company aims to provide consumers with a diverse range of F&B products while maintaining a strong emphasis on ethical and responsible business practices. Our client is looking into an exciting growth in next few years

Job Description

Government Advocacy:

Build and maintain strong relationships with government officials, regulatory bodies, and relevant industry association

Network required: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Trade, BPOM

Policy Analysis and Strategy:

Conduct in-depth analysis of proposed policies and regulations to assess their potential impact on the company’s operations and products.

Advocate for favorable policies and regulations that align with the company’s business goals and promote industry growth.

Crisis Management and Communication:

Collaborate with internal stakeholders to develop crisis management strategies and communication plans for potential regulatory challenges or incidents

Liaise with government agencies during crises to address issues and maintain positive relations.

Stakeholder Engagement:

Engage with industry peers, trade associations, and other stakeholders to stay informed about industry trends, challenges, and opportunities.

Represent the company’s interests at industry events, forums, and relevant government meetings.

Market Entry and Expansion:

Assist in navigating regulatory requirements for market entry and expansion into new regions or markets.

Ensure compliance with local regulations and secure necessary approvals.

Public Affairs and Reputation Management:

Collaborate with public relations and communications teams to manage the company’s public image related to regulatory matters.

Craft messages that reflect the company’s commitment to compliance, ethics, and responsible business practices.

Market Insights and Analysis:

Provide insights on regulatory trends, competitive landscape, and potential opportunities for growth based on regulatory changes.

The Successful Applicant

I will highly assess you based on these 4 matrices

Results-Oriented and Enthusiasm:

  • A results-oriented approach with a proven ability to drive positive outcomes, achieve regulatory objectives, and contribute to the company’s growth.

Qualifications and Experience:

  • Substantial experience (typically 15+ years) in government relations, public affairs, or related roles within the FMCG industry, preferably with exposure to the food and beverage sector.
  • Familiarity with Indonesian regulatory frameworks, policies, and legislative processes that affect the FMCG sector.

Relationship Building:

  • Demonstrated ability to build and maintain strong relationships with government officials, regulatory bodies, industry associations, and local police officers if needed.
  • A network of contacts within the Indonesian government and FMCG industry that can be leveraged for strategic purposes.

Industry Insight:

  • Up-to-date knowledge of FMCG industry trends, consumer preferences, and emerging regulatory developments that could impact the company’s operations.

What’s On Offer

  • Competitive Compensation:
    • An attractive and competitive salary package commensurate with the candidate’s skills, experience, and the responsibilities of the role.
  • Opportunity for Impact:
    • The chance to lead and shape the Government Relations function for a well-established and publicly listed FMCG company with a significant market presence.
  • Strategic Role:
    • A strategic leadership role that involves working closely with executive management and the opportunity to influence policies that impact the company’s growth.
  • Industry Leadership:
    • The ability to represent in industry associations, forums, and government meetings, enhancing the candidate’s professional visibility.
  • Recognition and Visibility:
    • Recognition for their contributions to government relations and the potential to become a key figure in the company’s regulatory affairs.

Contact: Dea Meitry

Quote job ref: JN-082023-6152054


  • Lingkungan nyaman
  • Diajari saat mulai bekerja
  • Bonus gaji jika ada lembur

Lamar Pekerjaan

Informasi yang kami tampilkan di atas bisa saja diperbaharui secara mendadak, harap tetap mencari informasi yang lengkap melalui tombol "Lamar Sekarang" atau di website resmi perusahaan Page Executive, agar tidak menemukan kejadian yang tidak diinginkan ^_^.

Tips dari Admin: melamar pekerjaan tidak dipungut biaya.

Semoga kalian mendapat pekerjaan yang diinginkan. Aamiin.


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  • Silahkan anda mendaftar di website tersebut jika belum mempunyai akunnya, namun jika sudah anda dapat langsung mengisi form lamaran.
  • Selesai.

Informasi Perusahaan

Page Executive

Page Executive adalah perusahaan penyedia layanan rekrutmen eksekutif yang menawarkan solusi berbasis teknologi kelas dunia untuk memungkinkan klien mencari dan menemukan kandidat yang kuat, terampil, dan digital, untuk mengisi posisi strategis di perusahaan-perusahaan yang diperlukan. Page Executive menawarkan berbagai solusi rekrutmen, termasuk riset pasar, analisis kompetitif, identifikasi potensial, dan pencarian target kandidat. Perusahaan ini memasok layanan rekrutmen yang sangat berfokus kepada organisasi-organisasi global yang mencari talenta berteknologi tinggi dan tim terampil. Page Executive menyediakan berbagai solusi rekrutmen yang dirancang untuk membantu klien memecahkan permasalahan karyawan yang berkelanjutan dan meningkatkan pengalaman pelamar dengan memberikan layanan yang transparan, adaptif, dan inovatif.