Lowongan Operations Assoociate Pada Perusahaan Mulago Foundation di San Francisco Bay Area

Published 10 months ago

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Pilih Bahasa

Perusahaan Mulago Foundation membuka lapangan pekerjaan untuk posisi Operations Assoociate di wilayah San Francisco Bay Area. Jenis pekerjaan yang kami berikan adalah Full-time.

Kriteria pekerja yang kami butuhkan adalah mempunyai kemampuan dengan pengalaman pemula atau senior, serta pekerja yang jujur, disiplin, dan bertanggung jawab.

Estimasi gaji yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan ini cukup kompetitif sekitar Rp 2.300.000 - Rp 6.000.000 (per Bulan). Namun gaji tersebut dapat naik atau turun tergantung dari perusahaan yang memutuskannya.

Perusahaan Mulago Foundation sendiri bergerak dibidang sejenis yang tentu saja jika anda tertarik dengan lamaran perusahan ini dapat langsung mendaftar.

Informasi Lowongan

Perusahaan:Mulago Foundation
Posisi:Operations Assoociate
Wilayah:San Francisco Bay Area
Jenis Pekerjaan:Full-time

Deskripsi Lowongan


We’re hiring an Operations Associate —a new role on our small but mighty Operations Team at the center of all we do. The Ops Team keeps things humming. This position reports to the Senior Manager, Grants & Data.


Mulago’s mission is to meet the basic needs of the poor. We do it by finding and funding organizations with scalable solutions in health, education, livelihoods, safety, and the environment. We search the world for founders with ideas that can go big, and the talent, ambition, and commitment to take them there. When we find them, we do all that we can to help them take that solution to its full potential.



Couched in conventional terms, this is a grant management and program support role; in reality, it’s way more interesting than that. Mulago has a small team and big ambitions; we need excellent systems and operations at the center of it all. You’ll be a core member of our small but mighty Operations Team that creatively figures out how to support the team and keep operations humming: from managing our grantmaking process to convening meetings for our fellows (Rainer Arnhold Fellows and Henry Arnhold Fellows programs) and Portfolio. Although the Mulago team is small, it supports a big community, including 60+ portfolio organizations, many like-minded funders and organizational friends, as well as past and present Fellows. You’ll be a positive force in our day-to-day operations with each other and the vibrant and growing network that we support. This position offers the opportunity to learn and grow with a high-performing team and an outstanding group of social entrepreneurs. 

Here are the big, intertwined roles:

Grants Management (60%) – The core function of this role is to support Mulago’s grants administration.

●     Support the grants management process from start to end: You’ll play a role in every step of grants administration, from information requests to wire disbursements. You’ll create and maintain grant-related templates, manage outreach to grantees, coordinate survey and document submissions, schedule lots of meetings across many time zones and continents, update internal systems to track grants and portfolio data, produce award letters, support legal compliance, and coordinate grant disbursements with our New York office.

●     Maintain grant databases: You’ll be a primary administrator of our data and information systems. We use Salesforce and AirTable to manage our grant process, fellowship selection, and Mulago’s contacts. We use Box and Google Drive to manage documents. Prior knowledge of these software programs is helpful, but not essential if you learn quickly.

●     Coordinate board meeting materials: You’ll manage preparation for board meetings 2x per year.

Program Operations (25%) – This role provides operations support to the Fellows and Portfolio Teams.

●     General Support: Provide general operations support to Mulago’s programs (Fellows Program and Portfolio) and teams. You’ll help deliver a great fellows program and support a world-class portfolio. Specifics include:

o  Event planning: Provide logistical support for offsite convenings, such as Mulago’s annual fellowship program meetings and other grantee summits and partner symposiums.

o  Manage travel: This role helps coordinate travel for team members other than the CEO and COO. You’ll plan complex international trips (visas, flights, lodging and logistics).

Finance & Operations (15%) – This role supports the finance function and overall operations at Mulago.

●     Finance: Process expense reports, pay bills, do basic bookkeeping, and reconcile bank accounts. We use Expensify to automate expense reporting/reimbursements and Quickbooks to maintain our financial records. Again, prior knowledge of these software programs is helpful but is not required if you are comfortable with numbers and learn quickly.

●     Policies: Work with COO and Senior Manager, Grants & Data to create and document policies and procedures. Update and maintain the Mulago Academy site, an internal website that informs new hires and staff about our systems, policies, philosophy, and ways of working. 

●     Systems: Support and manage technology systems that keep our information organized and help us do our work efficiently. Help us improve information architecture within our systems.

●     Communications: Potential support for our communications strategy (website, social media) if this is an area of interest.



We are a small shop. We work continually with new ideas and new founders, so we’ve kept the spirit and energy of a mission-driven start-up. We do our work in teams, and we don’t waste time. Each of us has a core role, and everybody does a bit of everything. That’s worked really well for us for a long time.

You share our funding philosophy (How We Fund) and a bias for action over talk. You’re comfortable and flexible with changes in course and circumstances. Humor comes easily to you as a way to relate to and interact with people. You can work hard and smart without a lot of supervision. You realize that Mulago’s role as a funder is to support and serve the people doing the work.


We are open to a wide range of backgrounds as long as you will excel at the work and thrive in the role. You must be very organized, obsessed with details and good with people. While you’ll get all the help you ask for, we need a problem solver: someone to whom we can hand off a job and know that it will be completed at high quality. This means excellent time and project management skills and the ability to manage multiple projects with timely follow through. Mulago’s mission should excite you. Above all, you must be enthused about an active support role to deliver on it: You are needed and will be appreciated.

We are looking for candidates who demonstrate:

●     Significant experience managing activities relevant to the above and ability to multitask. 

●     Black-belt organizational skills, attention to detail, and communication. Really.

●     Requisite technology skills to accomplish core tasks and support our work. Please share your experience, if any, with the systems cited above.

●     Integrity and good judgment.

●     Ability to work well in a small-team environment that requires flexibility and a range of tasks.

●     Initiative to improve processes across projects and teams.

●     Strong interest in Mulago’s mission.

We’re always looking to add diversity of background, thought, personal journey, and professional experience.       



The right candidate will be ready to commit to at least 3 years in this position.

This is a full-time job based in the Bay Area. We all (including this role) work at Mulago’s office in San Francisco 3+ days/week. We will not consider a remote hire.

The minimum salary for this role is $84,00.

Pay and benefits are competitive, including medical, dental, vision, life, and short term + long term disability insurance, 401K + employer match, paid parental leave, unlimited PTO and more.

We can sponsor working visas for those with existing US work authorization.

If you’re interested, and feel you’re qualified, please send a resume and a brief statement as to why this job is a good fit for you to [email protected]. Thanks


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Informasi Perusahaan

Mulago Foundation


Mulago Foundation adalah lembaga amal internasional terdaftar yang didirikan oleh Vinod Khosla pada tahun 2004 di San Francisco. Misteri