Lowongan F&B Supervisor Pada Perusahaan Ithemba Recruitment di Jakarta Metropolitan Area

Published 11 months ago

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Pilih Bahasa

Perusahaan Ithemba Recruitment membuka lapangan pekerjaan untuk posisi F&B Supervisor di wilayah Jakarta Metropolitan Area. Jenis pekerjaan yang kami berikan adalah Full-time.

Kriteria pekerja yang kami butuhkan adalah mempunyai kemampuan Management and Manufacturing dengan pengalaman Mid-Senior level, serta pekerja yang jujur, disiplin, dan bertanggung jawab.

Perusahaan Ithemba Recruitment sendiri bergerak dibidang Human Resources Services yang tentu saja jika anda tertarik dengan lamaran perusahan ini dapat langsung mendaftar.

Informasi Lowongan

Perusahaan:Ithemba Recruitment
Posisi:F&B Supervisor
Wilayah:Jakarta Metropolitan Area
Fungsi Pekerjaan:Management and Manufacturing
Tingkat Pekerjaan:Mid-Senior level
Jenis Pekerjaan:Full-time
Industri:Human Resources Services

Deskripsi Lowongan

Calling all Indonesians for incredible job opportunities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Key purpose:

As the F&B Supervisor, responsible to assist the F&B Manager and F&B Assistant Manager in the day-to-day operations of the business. You will be involved in service operations ensuring smooth operations, development and coaching of staff.

F&B supervisors will oversee any tasks related to the F&B and other areas and required to ensure the guests total satisfaction.

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Positive attitude and good communication skills, with excellent grooming standards, clean, pleasant
  • Provides a courteous, professional, efficient, flexible and personalized service at all time, with commitment to delivering a high level of service
  • He/she should be conversant with all services and facilities offered
  • Serves food courses and alcoholic beverages
  • Flexibility to respond to a variety of different work situations and ability to work on your own managing a team
  • A Team player with a positive attitude, immaculate regards to personal appearance and hygiene.
  • Experience and focused on client faced service side of role
  • Knowledge and experience with high-end porcelain and silverware, ability to care and look after items to highest standards
  • Able to provide a discreet and smooth service for the principal and his Guest at any time, making each experience an unforgettable one
  • Flexible and able to adapt to the fast and ever changing request of the principal. NO Day is ever the same
  • Discretion is paramount at all times. Confident serving VVIP guest to the highest standard at all times
  • Able to provide and participate in staff training for the wider team and confident in taking the lead
  • Knowledge and interest in world -wide cuisine. Confident answering question from guest and service team
  • Ability to speak English Fluently
  • Experience in the high-end restaurant industry, Michelin star exposure.
  • Excellent time keeper and team leader
  • Excellent ability to motivate a team

Qualifications and experience:

  • 3 years Diploma Hotel school
  • Bachelors Degree in hotel Management specialized in F&B Service preferred but not essential
  • Proficiency in working with MS office word, excel, outlook
  • Minimum 5 years experience at a similar level at a 5 star or full-service hotel
  • Minimum 5 years experience in F&B Service: high standard Restaurant or Room Service 5-star Hotel


  • Lingkungan nyaman
  • Diajari saat mulai bekerja
  • Bonus gaji jika ada lembur

Lamar Pekerjaan

Informasi yang kami tampilkan di atas bisa saja diperbaharui secara mendadak, harap tetap mencari informasi yang lengkap melalui tombol "Lamar Sekarang" atau di website resmi perusahaan Ithemba Recruitment, agar tidak menemukan kejadian yang tidak diinginkan ^_^.

Tips dari Admin: melamar pekerjaan tidak dipungut biaya.

Semoga kalian mendapat pekerjaan yang diinginkan. Aamiin.


  • Klik tombol "Lamar Sekarang" yang ada di atas.
  • Setelah itu anda akan diarahkan ke halaman Pengajuan Lamaran, disana ada tips mengirim lamaran dan wawancara.
  • Di halaman pengajuan lamaran klik tombol "Menuju ke pengisian form".
  • Di halaman tersebut anda dapat melihat informasi perusahaan lebih lengkap dan melihat jumlah orang yang sedang melamar pekerjaan tersebut.
  • Selanjutnya adalah klik "Lamar" atau "Apply".
  • Silahkan anda mendaftar di website tersebut jika belum mempunyai akunnya, namun jika sudah anda dapat langsung mengisi form lamaran.
  • Selesai.

Informasi Perusahaan

Ithemba Recruitment

Ithemba Recruitment Adalah Perusahaan Rekrutmen Terkemuka Di Indonesia. Kami Membantu Pelanggan Kami Untuk Menemukan Karyawan Berpengalaman Dan Profesional Untuk Merekrut Tenaga Kerja Dengan Sukses. Tim Ahli Kami Mengadopsi Pendekatan Holistik Untuk Penyediaan Layanan Rekrutmen, Termasuk Seleksi Calon, Verifikasi Data, Penggajian Dan Layanan Berkelanjutan. Kami Juga Mengadopsi Proses Rekrutmen Inovatif Serta Teknologi Pintar Yang Membantu Pelanggan Kami Untuk Menerima Karyawan Terbaik Dan Tumbuh Dari Suatu Tahap Ke Tahap Berikutnya.