Lowongan SE – Agency Development Specialist Pada Perusahaan Prudential Indonesia (PT Prudential Life Assurance) di Jakarta

Published 10 months ago

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Pilih Bahasa

Perusahaan Prudential Indonesia (PT Prudential Life Assurance) membuka lapangan pekerjaan untuk posisi SE - Agency Development Specialist di wilayah Jakarta. Jenis pekerjaan yang kami berikan adalah Full-time.

Kriteria pekerja yang kami butuhkan adalah mempunyai kemampuan Other dengan pengalaman Entry level, serta pekerja yang jujur, disiplin, dan bertanggung jawab.

Perusahaan Prudential Indonesia (PT Prudential Life Assurance) sendiri bergerak dibidang Financial Services yang tentu saja jika anda tertarik dengan lamaran perusahan ini dapat langsung mendaftar.

Informasi Lowongan

Perusahaan:Prudential Indonesia (PT Prudential Life Assurance)
Posisi:SE - Agency Development Specialist
Fungsi Pekerjaan:Other
Tingkat Pekerjaan:Entry level
Jenis Pekerjaan:Full-time
Industri:Financial Services

Deskripsi Lowongan

At Prudential, we understand that success comes from the talent and commitment of our people. Together, we have a shared vision in securing the future of our customers and our communities. We strive to build a business that you can shape, an inclusive workplace where everyone’s ideas are valued and a culture where we can thrive together. Our people stay connected and tuned in to what’s happening around us, keeping us ahead of the curve. While focused on the long-term, we look to the future to bring growth, development and benefit to everyone whose lives we touch.

  • Regional/Area Budget
  • To work closely with Agency Leaders and implement Strategic Action Plans to achieve the 4 Key Performance Index :
  • APE (include Sharia and Pruworks)
  • Active Agent
  • New Agent Licensed
  • MDRT
  • Agency Management
  • To provide a formal platform for Company to disseminate information and receive feedback from agency members during agency meeting in a timely and accurate basis. Agency meeting can be held with individual or group basis with an agent and or/leader.
  • To monitor and supervise agency strategic action plans on the above 4 KPIs – on the progress and control measures implemented. Give mentoring for new leaders to work to plans.
  • To attend to any agency doubts, concerns and problem faced by agency members and to provide solution to overcome the problems.
  • To provide guidance and counseling to agency members violating company/Industry/Regulatory’s guidelines and to enforce the prescribed guidelines among agency members. Investigate the violation and suggest kind of punishment for the violators.
  • To organize and launch new product/rider and new regulation/company updates to agency members
  • To promote agency, regional or Company’s challenges, contest or promotion to agency members including the managing and monitoring of the contest result.
  • To organise and implement formal platform for agency members’ interaction and building teamwork through group meeting and gatherings.
  • To provide additional training for agency members to raise agency skill and knowledge.
  • To develop smaller agencies outside Jakarta to become bigger and better agencies.
  • Continuously encourage agency members to focus on recruiting new agents and to train-up agents for promotion to be future leaders.
  • Survey agents satisfaction and assesses real and perceived agents needs.
  • Implement company programs to improve agency growth & development, increase agency size, improve productivity and quality (e.g. Grand BOP, agency licensing, MDRT, PEC) specially for agencies outside Jakarta.
  • Training and Development
  • To implement Company’s prescribed training and development programs for agency members in knowledge, skill, attitude and habit in order to improve agency members productivity and professionalism in Life Insurance Business
  • To analize special training needs for individual agency and liase with PSA
  • To liaise with TED on agency members training and development. In addition, to provide TED with feedback on agency members’ training and development requirements
  • To promote and encourage agency members to attend other Company / Industry’s training / development programs or self-study as part of their self-development exercise whenever available or necessary


  • Lingkungan nyaman
  • Diajari saat mulai bekerja
  • Bonus gaji jika ada lembur

Lamar Pekerjaan

Informasi yang kami tampilkan di atas bisa saja diperbaharui secara mendadak, harap tetap mencari informasi yang lengkap melalui tombol "Lamar Sekarang" atau di website resmi perusahaan Prudential Indonesia (PT Prudential Life Assurance), agar tidak menemukan kejadian yang tidak diinginkan ^_^.

Tips dari Admin: melamar pekerjaan tidak dipungut biaya.

Semoga kalian mendapat pekerjaan yang diinginkan. Aamiin.


  • Klik tombol "Lamar Sekarang" yang ada di atas.
  • Setelah itu anda akan diarahkan ke halaman Pengajuan Lamaran, disana ada tips mengirim lamaran dan wawancara.
  • Di halaman pengajuan lamaran klik tombol "Menuju ke pengisian form".
  • Di halaman tersebut anda dapat melihat informasi perusahaan lebih lengkap dan melihat jumlah orang yang sedang melamar pekerjaan tersebut.
  • Selanjutnya adalah klik "Lamar" atau "Apply".
  • Silahkan anda mendaftar di website tersebut jika belum mempunyai akunnya, namun jika sudah anda dapat langsung mengisi form lamaran.
  • Selesai.

Informasi Perusahaan

Prudential Indonesia (PT Prudential Life Assurance)

Industri: Financial Services

PT Prudential Life Assurance adalah perusahaan asuransi jiwa terkemuka di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 1952 dan saat ini memberikan layanan asuransi dan dana pensiun kepada jutaan orang di seluruh negeri. PT Prudential Life Assurance memiliki tim konsultan asuransi dan dana pensiun yang luas yang siap membantu pelanggannya dalam perencanaan asuransi dan investasinya. Perusahaan ini juga memiliki berbagai produk dan layanan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggannya, seperti produk asuransi jiwa, dana pensiun, asuransi kesehatan, investasi dan buku tabungan. PT Prudential Life Assurance fokus untuk memberikan solusi asuransi dan dana pensiun, yang aman dan terpercaya untuk pelanggan Indonesia.