Lowongan Sales Brand Manager (Praktis) Pada Perusahaan Dealls – Jobs & Mentoring (YC W22) di Jakarta

Published 11 months ago

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Pilih Bahasa

Perusahaan Dealls – Jobs & Mentoring (YC W22) membuka lapangan pekerjaan untuk posisi Sales Brand Manager (Praktis) di wilayah Jakarta. Jenis pekerjaan yang kami berikan adalah Full-time.

Kriteria pekerja yang kami butuhkan adalah mempunyai kemampuan dengan pengalaman pemula atau senior, serta pekerja yang jujur, disiplin, dan bertanggung jawab.

Estimasi gaji yang ditawarkan oleh perusahaan ini cukup kompetitif sekitar Rp 2.300.000 - Rp 6.000.000 (per Bulan). Namun gaji tersebut dapat naik atau turun tergantung dari perusahaan yang memutuskannya.

Perusahaan Dealls – Jobs & Mentoring (YC W22) sendiri bergerak dibidang sejenis yang tentu saja jika anda tertarik dengan lamaran perusahan ini dapat langsung mendaftar.

Informasi Lowongan

Perusahaan:Dealls – Jobs & Mentoring (YC W22)
Posisi:Sales Brand Manager (Praktis)
Gaji:IDR 2.300.000 - IDR 6.000.000 per Bulan
Jenis Pekerjaan:Full-time

Deskripsi Lowongan

?? About Us

Praktis is an end to end supply chain startup that helps brands focus on their core competencies with reliable technology and a data powered platform for seamless business operation. Our mission is to help Indonesian micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to become a national and even international player, by giving three main services:

  • Sourcing & Production
  • Fulfillment & Logistic
  • Order Management

In order to achieve our mission we need “Praktisi” people who have Collaborative Growth, Openness & Trustworthy, and Excellence as our core values to give the most seamless experience to our customer. Currently Praktis has more than ±100 Manufactures and Supplier nationwide, 50.00 Package delivered daily, 200 Product Categories, and 15.00 sqm Warehouse Capacity (Depok, Tangerang, Surabaya, Bogor, Bandung, and Cimanggis). Join our team and become one of our “Praktisi” because we provide room to growth, to exploring and living your potential and for a higher mission.


Very competitive

? Job Role

  • Setting sales strategies, sales planning, & pipeline for achieving company target
  • Developing & leading sales team through motivation & product knowledge education
  • Directing & coordinating all sales activities
  • Tracking & analyzing sales statistics based on key quantitative metrics
  • Handling & resolving customer complaints regarding product core service

⛩️ Requirements

  • Bachelor Degree in any major
  • Have at least 3 years sales experience in Garment/Trading Fashion Industry
  • Passionate in Apparel, Fashion
  • Excellence written & Verbal Communication Skill
  • Have good leadership skills

? Perks

  • Dental Insurance
  • THR / Bonus system
  • Competitive Salary
  • Period Leave
  • Casual Dress Code
  • Company Outings
  • Paid Sick Days


  • Lingkungan nyaman
  • Diajari saat mulai bekerja
  • Bonus gaji jika ada lembur

Lamar Pekerjaan

Informasi yang kami tampilkan di atas bisa saja diperbaharui secara mendadak, harap tetap mencari informasi yang lengkap melalui tombol "Lamar Sekarang" atau di website resmi perusahaan Dealls – Jobs & Mentoring (YC W22), agar tidak menemukan kejadian yang tidak diinginkan ^_^.

Tips dari Admin: melamar pekerjaan tidak dipungut biaya.

Semoga kalian mendapat pekerjaan yang diinginkan. Aamiin.


  • Klik tombol "Lamar Sekarang" yang ada di atas.
  • Setelah itu anda akan diarahkan ke halaman Pengajuan Lamaran, disana ada tips mengirim lamaran dan wawancara.
  • Di halaman pengajuan lamaran klik tombol "Menuju ke pengisian form".
  • Di halaman tersebut anda dapat melihat informasi perusahaan lebih lengkap dan melihat jumlah orang yang sedang melamar pekerjaan tersebut.
  • Selanjutnya adalah klik "Lamar" atau "Apply".
  • Silahkan anda mendaftar di website tersebut jika belum mempunyai akunnya, namun jika sudah anda dapat langsung mengisi form lamaran.
  • Selesai.

Informasi Perusahaan

Dealls – Jobs & Mentoring (YC W22)


Dealss – Jobs & Mentoring (YC W22) is a powerful platform for helping job seekers create successful careers. We offer a wide range of job opportunities, from full-time and freelance positions to coaching and mentorship. On our platform, job seekers can find a job that’s perfect for them by searching our database of thousands of employers, from Fortune 500 companies to small local businesses. We also provide job search assistance with our experienced mentors, ensuring that our applicants find the best possible job for their profile. Our platform offers comprehensive support services, from career counseling to practice interviews, to help applicants gain the skills and experience needed to compete for any open position. By providing access to exclusive job postings, and giving applicants the tools they need to succeed, Dealls ensures that everyone gets a fair shot at achieving their career goals.